Darkening in the Genital Area and Its Treatment
After hair removal procedures, estrogen hormone increase (some drugs such as birth control drugs, polycystic ovary disease, pregnancy, breastfeeding, childbirth) or excessive sun exposure, problems in the inner thighs caused by friction in obese patients, chronic skin changes caused by underwear, age-related changes on the skin or personal skin characteristics darkening can be seen on the skin.
Color Lightening and Pinking Can be Done with Laser or Chemical Peeling.
With aesthetic medicine and genital rejuvenation, non-surgical and mini-invasive female genital cosmetic products, it is possible to lighten the dark genital skin in our clinic. These are also called antiaging methods.
Painless, comfortable application, follow-up-free treatment method, easy daily medical application, low side-effect profile are the advantages.
What is the Expectation from Chemical Peeling Products?
It is an increase in skin quality, monitoring of skin tightening and lightening of skin color.
Istanbul Genital Area Whitening Prices
Genital area whitening fee varies according to the method to be applied and the experience and knowledge of the doctor who will apply it