Ivf is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology the most important issue for couples is the success of the treatments whether the treatment will work or not ivf is a complex procedure with a lot of variables that have to be ideal woman's age sperm quality and genetics are the most important factors which determine the quality of the embryo if the poor cult embryo is transferred into the uterus no development is observed mostly as women gets older x quality and quantity decrease that means degrees over in reserve women under 25 years old have a chance of 45 percent implantation but 40 to 42 years aged women have a chance of 15 percent of implantation nearly sometimes ivf drugs cannot induce ories and so we cannot collect many eggs to get fertilized especially in women older than 37 years of age or women who have degreased ovarian reserve embryos with some chromosomal abnormalities are important in implantation this is also important in spontaneous pregnancies because this can cause miscarriages after 30 years of age egg abnormalities begin to increase by the mid-40s most eggs have abnormal chromosomes angel men is also important but not as much as the women's lifestyle conditions are also so important.